Monday, November 30, 2009


"If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page"

uncomfortable feeling..

Sebel banget klo perasaan udah ga karuan pas hujan. Jadi melankolis...

-the end-

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Karena... Setiap Senin kuliah mulai jam 12.00 jadi bisa bermalas-malasan dulu.
Tapi sekarang saya berada di kediaman saudari Chunny yang ceritanya mau belajar Mikro.
Yaah... Tapi kita hanya bisa bertahan 5,3216 detik untuk belajar.
Seterusnya kita lanjutkan dengan tertawa-tawa di lantai, yang bikin kesel nya tuh ya humoran kita tuh sangat ga penting!
Dari mulai berdehem kenceng norak, ngomongin ngompol. Hahaha (dengan terpaksanya saya akui kepada mereka klo kmaren saya ngompol dengan sempurnanya)
Dan mereka langsung sharing pengalaman ngompolnya.
Mari kita telaah 'prestasi' yang pernah mereka toreh:

1. Chunny
Waktu dia kelas 1 SMA dia lagi jalan di trotoar bareng temen-temennya sambil bercanda-becanda (biasaa, ABG labil)
Sampai akhirnya dia ketawa-ketawa norak ga kekontrol dan jongkok di trotar dan akhirnya "weerrr.." Ngompol deeeh....

2. Mayang
Waktu dia SMP dia lagi main lompat tinggi (dng so imutnya). Pas lagi lompat dia ga bisa mengontrol tubuhnya (ngertikaan?) sampai akhirnya dia jatoh nimpa temennya.
Dengan pintarnya dia ketawa-ketawa di atas tubuh temannya yang ringkih (sekarang kita dapet contoh real dari "tertawa diatas penderitaan orang") lanjut ketawa, ketawa dan akhirnya "weeerrr" ngompyoool.. Fufufu!
(Ga kebayang jadi temennya Mayang yg mendapatkan kenangan 'indah' dari Mayang. tears, sigh, can't watch..)

Okeeey... Ternyata kita bisa melihat salah satu kebusukan (dan saya yakin masih banyak lagi kebusukan lainnya) dari hidup mereka.
Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha... (mata memincing, senyum jahat)
Dan sekarang kita melanjutkan belajar Mikro (mungkin akan belajar sekitar 2,653 detik :p)

See you soon, people!
Don't waste your Monday with your 13% mood, but make yours with 10000000%. Because there's no day as spesial as Monday!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sunday Moring! mood fully charge and be 100%!

i do miss my Mereketel, soooo bad!

wherever you are, guys. you have my heart for ever... hehe
"true friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. false friends are like leaves, found everywhere"

thanks God its Saturday!

and i still have my Sunday. feel and enjoy it, fellas!
a smell of my mother's fried rice, a sweet of a cup of tea (and i usually drink it twice), a laugh on sunday-morning cartoon (which i love the most!), just take a once showered in the afternoon, become a sleepyhead all day long.

can i make those-loveliest-things last forever?

college life (y)

baru 3 bulan kuliah udah banyak aja foto-foto di moment penting. oke kita mulai telaah satu persatu-satu (hahaha) :

1. hari ke 2 ospek bersama UNPAD langsung ke puncrut (masih pake kaos unpad \m/)
2. Buka Bareng menejemen 2009, dan menampilkan 12 caka :')

3. Maraton 11 Oktober, menjadi eksekutif muda dalam sehari :)

4. Jakarta, dan akan selalu inget kata-kata pelecehan dari Kobe utk saya, "Chun.. suruh Ghia buka jendela mobil. biar dia ngeliat gedung-gedung tinggi di Jakarta" HAHAHA..

5. Ciwidey, menghapus dahaga sehabis UTS. berdingin dingin ria di villa Mayang Arum dan berwisata ke kawah putih hehehe.

itu hanya sebagian foto dari moment-moment yg udah dilalui selama 3 bukan terakhir ini. ini adalah adaptasi tercepat saya selama hidup 18 tahun ini hehehe. 3 bulan aja udah sebanyak ini, gimana tahun-tahun ke depannya? perjalanan kita masih sangat panjang kawan, tetap semangat! masa depan cerah menunggu kita (amin). pengusaha sukses, CEO sukses, direktur bank sukses, menteri keuangan sukses, dll. beruntung sekali kita masih semester 1 krna kita masih punya banyak waktu utk mencapai nya. Yippiiiii!! \:D/

"part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside" -Mark Twain-
and dont ever forget to have a morning spirit..

greatest song ever!

Stop Crying Your Heart Out, OASIS

Hold up... hold on... don't be scared

You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile... Shine on... Don't be scared
Your destiny may keep you warm

Cos all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry you'll see them some day
Take what you need and be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

Get up... Come on... why you scared
You'll never change what's been and gone

how do i feel today?

Feel so empty.
Like in a crowded restaurant or an empty house,
neither of those are good.
And am pretanding again (ofcourse to my self) nothing's going on.

But beside of that, I bought a lot of books! Yippii! (30% discount in Gramedia!)
Big thanks to Ayah & Ibu. Hihi. ♥♥

Friday, November 27, 2009

here i am.. in a new beginning, new life, and of course new me

YEAAAAY... im so curious with my new life. first of all, im a 18th years old and im a newbie in college. a lot of changes in my life: new subjects, new friends, new face (i've already changed my glasses into softlens :p) and other change-things. its almost 3 months in college but i've got some close friends. although we haven't known each other completely yet, but they have made my day! some other friends said, they can't adaptation in their new college but sorry thats not mine hehehe..
mmmhhh... can i tell you a sad story of mine? i broke up with my (ex)boyfriend 3 weeks ago. we've made our relation until 4years 6months and than we gave up. you know, its a big big and huge change of the story of my life. my bestfriends always supporting me over and over again for this case, thanks to my didi, shandy, kania who always cheering up my day from their opinions and quotes (i cant live without them and the other Mereketel)

when a sadness going through our life, it is a time when God tell us a true meaning of a friendship. how a friendship as special as diamond, how a friendship as warm as a cup of tea, how a friendship as sweet as a new couple, and the point is how friendship is important for our life (extremely thanks to Allah)

and it makes me remember my favorite quote

OK! now i have to live the life and face it.
and remember, for always have a morning spirit!

GOOD MORNING, EVERYONE! and happy weekend :)