Friday, November 27, 2009

here i am.. in a new beginning, new life, and of course new me

YEAAAAY... im so curious with my new life. first of all, im a 18th years old and im a newbie in college. a lot of changes in my life: new subjects, new friends, new face (i've already changed my glasses into softlens :p) and other change-things. its almost 3 months in college but i've got some close friends. although we haven't known each other completely yet, but they have made my day! some other friends said, they can't adaptation in their new college but sorry thats not mine hehehe..
mmmhhh... can i tell you a sad story of mine? i broke up with my (ex)boyfriend 3 weeks ago. we've made our relation until 4years 6months and than we gave up. you know, its a big big and huge change of the story of my life. my bestfriends always supporting me over and over again for this case, thanks to my didi, shandy, kania who always cheering up my day from their opinions and quotes (i cant live without them and the other Mereketel)

when a sadness going through our life, it is a time when God tell us a true meaning of a friendship. how a friendship as special as diamond, how a friendship as warm as a cup of tea, how a friendship as sweet as a new couple, and the point is how friendship is important for our life (extremely thanks to Allah)

and it makes me remember my favorite quote

OK! now i have to live the life and face it.
and remember, for always have a morning spirit!

GOOD MORNING, EVERYONE! and happy weekend :)

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