Tuesday, December 1, 2009

he's killing me softly!

pheeww.. today was full of study about economic micro. guess what?! our lecturer gave us a midterm test tomorrow! because he was just in to our class for 2 or 3 times. he's soo busy with his other job. last week he was late for about a hour. soo we didn't want to go to his class, and (of course) he was so angry. but it was not our fault. he came up late and talked with a cigarette on his hand with a full of smoke on his mouth!! aargghh.... he smells like a shit!!! i've never met a person as jerk as he does! so unprofesional, arogant and really really bad in teaching. maybe he is a real person in outside (he said he had his S3 and become a consultant with salary more than $1000 -throw up-) but we didn't know what he was talking when he taught us, not just me oke but everyone. and he said that his midterm test has a high level than he never grade up our score. what???!! okeee... take a deep breath and stop cursing on him. wish me and all other victims can do our fuckin-late-midtermtest (amin)

see you soon, people! wish me have a grate luck for tomorrow.
thanks for being a good listener :p

gooooodd mooorrniinggg, everyone...... :)

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