Wednesday, December 2, 2009

laughing, talking, meaning full

im so happyyyyy... this wednesday was full of smile. i just realized, that i have my freedom back. i can do anything in everywhere and everytime. hahaha. i just dont want to waste a minute with useless thing (or a boring thing). i dont know what a spesific reason, but my life become so meaning full when i laugh out loud, talk about life (in the real and serious context) with my friends. yesterday, i talked about life with some of my friends (Bobby, Chunny, Mayang) they talked about being lucky and have a fate, specially for our self. those opinions make me think and it does make a good influence. i want to make a change and become a better me and i have to believe i can do that. now, i often make a little note about "what a good thing that i've done today". i dont know, but it works for make my self proud. and your faith about yourself become much bigger, trust me.

"Do not worry about the future for it is not yet come. Live each day in the present and make it beautiful"

okey.. thanks for everyone and everything who or which has made my life meaning full and beautiful.. you make me so gratefull :)

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