Sunday, December 27, 2009

than i realize...

than i realize. there's still you. no one else. i keep it. save and warm. sometimes with tears. with smile. only God knows, when everything's over. no matter what. you're still there. and it hurts. so bad.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

menentukan keputusan

"ternyata yang paling berat itu bukan mengambil keputusan yang besar, tetapi menentukan keputusan apa yang di ambil"

saya dapat kata-kata itu dari pengalaman pribadi saya. dan saya mengerti satu hal, setiap semua keputusan itu benar dan yang terbaik, tergantung bagaimana kita menyingkapi ke depan nya dengan mulai ubah dan atur mind-set kita. selama kita melakukan itu, insya allah apapun keputusan yang kita ambil kita tidak akan merasa menyesal. mungkin sulit, tapi.. klo kita mau kita pasti bisa. let's keep moving on!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

when things go wrong


"dont you even realize that we've faced and through the fear that we were afraid yesterday with successfull by now? we're the strongest and the most powerful person in the world!" -Me-

so dont be so scare about a lot fearness on tomorrow, because we already done anything yesterday's fearness and so happy and gratefull now. i've learned it and got something: yesterday's fearness is not as hard as i though. just face it and be tough.

john titor dan masa depan

akhir-akhir ini saya tertarik dengan cerita John Titor yang kabarnya Time Traveller, penjelajah waktu. kabarnya dia menampakan dirinya di suatu forum di internet tahun 2001. dia mengaku sebagai prajurit militer AS pada tahun 2036 yang sedang melakukan penjelajahan waktu ke tahun 1975 untuk mengambil dan menyelamatkan komputer portable pertama di dunia, IBM 5100 dan dia 'mampir' ke rumah nya pada tahun 2001 untuk bertemu keluarga nya di Florida. kesan pertama saya baca artikel-artikel nya pasti serem sendiri. terutama informasi-informasi yang dia beri tentang kejadian yang belum terjadi. sebagian informasinya itu terbukti benar dan sebagian lagi belum terbukti. yang sudah terbukti itu tentang WTC, tsunami. yang belum terjadi itu, salah satu nya (yang paling ngebuat ngeri) adalah:
"perang dunia 3 akan di mulai tahun 2015, dia menyatakan Rusia akan menyerang amerika dgn nuklir di tahun 2015, otomatis perang saudara di amerika berhenti dan mereka bersatu melawan russia dan nantinya amerika hanya akan terbentuk menjadi 5 negara bagian dengan presiden setiap negara bagian masing2 dengan ibukota berpindah ke nebraska. Menurut dia kota2 besar di amerika akan hancur begitupun di eropa, cina, timur tengah. Sedangkan negara2 yg tidak terlibat perang dunia ke 3 adalah amerika selatan dan australia, NZ. Perang ini akan menghilangkan 3 milyar populasi dunia."

meeeenn... 3 milyar populasi di dunia akan lenyap? ngeri ga sih?! setau saya yang nama nya perang dunia itu bener-bener berpengaruh pada semua orang yang hidup di dunia. mungkin Indonesia ga akan terlibat lebih besar (karena ini saya bersyukur tinggal di Indonesia si negara berkembang bukan negara maju, fyuh..) tapi pasti ada pengaruh yang mungkin saja besar bagi kehidupan kita. BAYANGKAN! kejadiannya 6 tahun lagi dan saya di usia 24 tahun yang sedang meraih cita-cita dan menunggu jodoh (hahahaha) ada perang besar kaya gitu. tapiii... saya juga mikir di usia yang sedang berproduktifitas tinggi pasti otak dan tangan saya sangat berpengaruh. semangat ga sih ngebayangin nya? sekarang kita cuma bisa nonton di tv, baca di majalah gimana orang-orang berpengaruh besar di negara bahkan dunia. ntar kita loh yang kaya gitu. HAHAHAHA!

oke.. coba balik lagi ke John Titor dan mesin waktu nya.. bayangin klo itu emang bener-bener ada. dan ga tau kenapa saya percaya klo itu akan ada. dengan sekarang para professor yang sudah menemukan black hole (pondasi utama dari mesin waktu). seru pasti! dari dulu saya ga berenti-berenti nya bertanya ke diri saya sendiri dan beberapa orang, "klo bisa sehari aja balik lagi ke masa lalu, momen mana yg bakal kamu pilih?" tau-tau ada kabar mesin waktu ini, saya lumayan seneng juga. pertanyaan mustahil saya bakal jadi ga mustahil lagi. hahaha. tapi ya Allahualam.. gtau bener gtau ngga. tapi yang pasti masa depan itu pasti banyak perubahan yang tidak bisa kita duga. yang bisa saya ambil dari cerita ini, saya harus bener-bener mempersiapkan diri dari dunia yang semakin lama semakin keras. serem juga yah klo dipikir-pikir tapi haru semangat, mau ga mau kita pasti berhadapan dng semua itu. mudah-mudahan kita terus dilindungi oleh Allah dan selalu dimudahkan jalannya. amin...

ini ada komik yang memberikan sedikit informasi tentang kehidupan John Titor yang ia ceritakan.

(klik gambar klo mau liat lebih jelas)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Finding Nemo memorable quote :)

Dory: Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down do you wanna know what you've gotta do?
Marlin: No I don't wanna know.
Dory: [singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.
Marlin: Dory, no singing.
Dory: [continuing] Ha, ha, ha, ha, ho. I love to swim. When you want to swim you want to swim.
Marlin: Now I'm stuck with that song... Now it's in my head.
Dory: Sorry.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

tomorrow's joke

"Now I've watched all my castles fall. They were made of dust, after all. Someday all this mess will make me laugh. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait..." -Phoenix-

enjoy it, fellow!

oke... i've found my new mood-booster! wooohoooo.... this song! Did You Miss Me - Tortured Soul. it always makes all people dance, not except you ofcourse. hahaha. okey, i share it for you. enjoy it, fellow!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Lebih baik kita menangis dan terluka hari ini" -maliq-

treat your self right, because you're too good to feel those awful-things

I cried this morning, while I was driving.. I listened Ecoutez song Maafkan (tak sempurna). And all the bad stories slide-showing in my brain. I remembered the pain and tears. Why I let my self up and down and hanging to something that I can't hanging with. It was hurting me so bad. I'll never stop to say, been there done that.. I've learned fast and I've got something to remember.
Please treat your self right, Ghia..

whatever it is, this is me..

"Would you go along with someone like me?" -the kooks-

i wish they would only take me as I am

Sunday, December 13, 2009

miss you guys.. :'(

kangen banget sama mercet & dufanteam. kangen se kangen kangen nya parah banget sekali. mihihi.. ga ada yang lebih berharga daripada milikin mereka. kalian abadi dan tersimpan rapih di tempat yang paling istimewa di hati saya. baik-baik yaah kalian.. i'm lost without you deh!

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them"

bagian-bagian terbaik dari hidup saya, terima kasih..... :)
mudah-mudahan kita bareng-bareng jadi orang sukses yah, hehehe.

happy birthday, brother! ( dec 11th 2009)

i gave him a mozaic picture which will make he remembers all the things that he had done with seeing lots his pictures. be wise and mature, big guy! your bright future's waving to you now. Happy seventeen Birthday!

Friday, December 11, 2009

i cant believe it....

Baru saja mengalami kejadian yang mengejutkan dan menyakitkan Sabtu pagi ini. Kejadian nya di bubur H. Mang Oyo jln sulanjana. Saya, Dandy, Mayang, Chunny baru aja duduk utk memesan. Tiba-tiba ada mba-mba yg ngaku nya dari operator seluler Three. Dia menawarkan kartu Three dengan keuntungan penjualan akan di sumbangkan kepada korban bencana gempa. Awalnya mba-mba itu menampilkan senyum ramah. Kami menanggapi biasa saja krna emg ga punya uang dan mubazir juga klo beli.
Ini dia cuplikan dialog nya:

Chunny: ngga mba makasih ntar aja.
Mba-mba: ngga, saya ga minta sumbangan. Saya dari vendor three nya. Liat-liat dulu aja nomernya
Chunny: ngga mba makasih.
Mba-mba : biar temen-temen yang lain ngliat dlu kartunya, mba dari tadi keukeuh yah (senyum sarcastic)
Chunny mengoper kartu-kartu kpd saya sambil terlihat shock, kartu perdana pun dioper-oper pertanda penolakan
Mayang: ngga mba ga ada uang, makasih
Mba-mba: oh ya udah kalo gitu... mungkin sayang ya uang nya untuk nolong orang-orang banyak, makasih (senyum menyindir)
Mayang, dandy, chunny, saya: ............ (suara angin, "hyuuuu....")
Alunan lagu Fallen mengalun di otak kami, sambil terdiam.. "I can't believe it.."
*chunny merupakan korban utama di kejadian ini.. be tough young lady!*

GOSHHH!!! menyebalkaan!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Anywhere is paradise, it's up to you"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Okeey.. Okeey.. Skrg saya sendirian di ruangan EF Banda. Sounds really pathetic.. (But it IS really pathetic) hahahaha. Harusnya sih ga sendirian, ada Sheila dan Chunny. Tapi mereka si pemalas yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Hahaha ga deeeeng! Sheila ada acara ke Jakarta, Chunny hrs nyoba TBI dulu. Jdi skrg BENER-BENER sendiri di ruangan orange bernamakan London ini. (Yawning) dan guru nya pun datang... Tapi tetap sendiri...


How do I feel now? What do I want? Why did you do that? Can I live without a pressure? Can I get my freedom and be happy with that? Will it be just fine if I let you go?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

best video ever!

suara? gaya? komersil? semua dapeeet... hahahaha

vokalis 1 : Bobby
vokalis 2 : Chunny
gitaris : Ghia

and dont forget to bring this for every each day that you have..


I will never stop to love this video or song. even if I'm 40 or more,
because it is my mood-booster.. FOREVER!

Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
for the rest of your days

It's our problem-free philosophy

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I Will Be There To Take Care Of You
I Will Be There When You Cry Babe
I Will Be There When You Need Someone To Tell You
That You're Beautiful Baby..
I Will Be There When You Need Someone To Run With
I Will Be There When You Need Someone To Dance With
I'm Your Lover When The Skies Turn Grey
Everyday Til Its Beautiful Baby..

bener deh suka banget sama lirik di reff lagu Robin Thicke - Superman ini. lirik nya romantis hahaha. ga lagi jatuh cinta dan bukan untuk siapa-siapa, tapi emang suka aja. dan mungkin bisa juga utk jadi inspirasi bagi para pecinta yang lagi gombal-gombalan. highly recommended deh hahaha. sayangnya cinta saya tak bertuan hahahahahaha

(silahkan dengerkan lagu ini + cuplikan film Superman diatas, dijamin langsung menye-menye)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

why did you have to drop that bomb on me?

You said, you can't give me a hope. And when I try with my best to move on, you come with your words which I can't understand. Been there done that.. I won't falling again in the same situation for another time. Sorry...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

laughing, talking, meaning full

im so happyyyyy... this wednesday was full of smile. i just realized, that i have my freedom back. i can do anything in everywhere and everytime. hahaha. i just dont want to waste a minute with useless thing (or a boring thing). i dont know what a spesific reason, but my life become so meaning full when i laugh out loud, talk about life (in the real and serious context) with my friends. yesterday, i talked about life with some of my friends (Bobby, Chunny, Mayang) they talked about being lucky and have a fate, specially for our self. those opinions make me think and it does make a good influence. i want to make a change and become a better me and i have to believe i can do that. now, i often make a little note about "what a good thing that i've done today". i dont know, but it works for make my self proud. and your faith about yourself become much bigger, trust me.

"Do not worry about the future for it is not yet come. Live each day in the present and make it beautiful"

okey.. thanks for everyone and everything who or which has made my life meaning full and beautiful.. you make me so gratefull :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

he's killing me softly!

pheeww.. today was full of study about economic micro. guess what?! our lecturer gave us a midterm test tomorrow! because he was just in to our class for 2 or 3 times. he's soo busy with his other job. last week he was late for about a hour. soo we didn't want to go to his class, and (of course) he was so angry. but it was not our fault. he came up late and talked with a cigarette on his hand with a full of smoke on his mouth!! aargghh.... he smells like a shit!!! i've never met a person as jerk as he does! so unprofesional, arogant and really really bad in teaching. maybe he is a real person in outside (he said he had his S3 and become a consultant with salary more than $1000 -throw up-) but we didn't know what he was talking when he taught us, not just me oke but everyone. and he said that his midterm test has a high level than he never grade up our score. what???!! okeee... take a deep breath and stop cursing on him. wish me and all other victims can do our fuckin-late-midtermtest (amin)

see you soon, people! wish me have a grate luck for tomorrow.
thanks for being a good listener :p

gooooodd mooorrniinggg, everyone...... :)

Monday, November 30, 2009


"If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page"

uncomfortable feeling..

Sebel banget klo perasaan udah ga karuan pas hujan. Jadi melankolis...

-the end-

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Karena... Setiap Senin kuliah mulai jam 12.00 jadi bisa bermalas-malasan dulu.
Tapi sekarang saya berada di kediaman saudari Chunny yang ceritanya mau belajar Mikro.
Yaah... Tapi kita hanya bisa bertahan 5,3216 detik untuk belajar.
Seterusnya kita lanjutkan dengan tertawa-tawa di lantai, yang bikin kesel nya tuh ya humoran kita tuh sangat ga penting!
Dari mulai berdehem kenceng norak, ngomongin ngompol. Hahaha (dengan terpaksanya saya akui kepada mereka klo kmaren saya ngompol dengan sempurnanya)
Dan mereka langsung sharing pengalaman ngompolnya.
Mari kita telaah 'prestasi' yang pernah mereka toreh:

1. Chunny
Waktu dia kelas 1 SMA dia lagi jalan di trotoar bareng temen-temennya sambil bercanda-becanda (biasaa, ABG labil)
Sampai akhirnya dia ketawa-ketawa norak ga kekontrol dan jongkok di trotar dan akhirnya "weerrr.." Ngompol deeeh....

2. Mayang
Waktu dia SMP dia lagi main lompat tinggi (dng so imutnya). Pas lagi lompat dia ga bisa mengontrol tubuhnya (ngertikaan?) sampai akhirnya dia jatoh nimpa temennya.
Dengan pintarnya dia ketawa-ketawa di atas tubuh temannya yang ringkih (sekarang kita dapet contoh real dari "tertawa diatas penderitaan orang") lanjut ketawa, ketawa dan akhirnya "weeerrr" ngompyoool.. Fufufu!
(Ga kebayang jadi temennya Mayang yg mendapatkan kenangan 'indah' dari Mayang. tears, sigh, can't watch..)

Okeeey... Ternyata kita bisa melihat salah satu kebusukan (dan saya yakin masih banyak lagi kebusukan lainnya) dari hidup mereka.
Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha... (mata memincing, senyum jahat)
Dan sekarang kita melanjutkan belajar Mikro (mungkin akan belajar sekitar 2,653 detik :p)

See you soon, people!
Don't waste your Monday with your 13% mood, but make yours with 10000000%. Because there's no day as spesial as Monday!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sunday Moring! mood fully charge and be 100%!

i do miss my Mereketel, soooo bad!

wherever you are, guys. you have my heart for ever... hehe
"true friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. false friends are like leaves, found everywhere"

thanks God its Saturday!

and i still have my Sunday. feel and enjoy it, fellas!
a smell of my mother's fried rice, a sweet of a cup of tea (and i usually drink it twice), a laugh on sunday-morning cartoon (which i love the most!), just take a once showered in the afternoon, become a sleepyhead all day long.

can i make those-loveliest-things last forever?

college life (y)

baru 3 bulan kuliah udah banyak aja foto-foto di moment penting. oke kita mulai telaah satu persatu-satu (hahaha) :

1. hari ke 2 ospek bersama UNPAD langsung ke puncrut (masih pake kaos unpad \m/)
2. Buka Bareng menejemen 2009, dan menampilkan 12 caka :')

3. Maraton 11 Oktober, menjadi eksekutif muda dalam sehari :)

4. Jakarta, dan akan selalu inget kata-kata pelecehan dari Kobe utk saya, "Chun.. suruh Ghia buka jendela mobil. biar dia ngeliat gedung-gedung tinggi di Jakarta" HAHAHA..

5. Ciwidey, menghapus dahaga sehabis UTS. berdingin dingin ria di villa Mayang Arum dan berwisata ke kawah putih hehehe.

itu hanya sebagian foto dari moment-moment yg udah dilalui selama 3 bukan terakhir ini. ini adalah adaptasi tercepat saya selama hidup 18 tahun ini hehehe. 3 bulan aja udah sebanyak ini, gimana tahun-tahun ke depannya? perjalanan kita masih sangat panjang kawan, tetap semangat! masa depan cerah menunggu kita (amin). pengusaha sukses, CEO sukses, direktur bank sukses, menteri keuangan sukses, dll. beruntung sekali kita masih semester 1 krna kita masih punya banyak waktu utk mencapai nya. Yippiiiii!! \:D/

"part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside" -Mark Twain-
and dont ever forget to have a morning spirit..

greatest song ever!

Stop Crying Your Heart Out, OASIS

Hold up... hold on... don't be scared

You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile... Shine on... Don't be scared
Your destiny may keep you warm

Cos all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry you'll see them some day
Take what you need and be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

Get up... Come on... why you scared
You'll never change what's been and gone

how do i feel today?

Feel so empty.
Like in a crowded restaurant or an empty house,
neither of those are good.
And am pretanding again (ofcourse to my self) nothing's going on.

But beside of that, I bought a lot of books! Yippii! (30% discount in Gramedia!)
Big thanks to Ayah & Ibu. Hihi. ♥♥

Friday, November 27, 2009

here i am.. in a new beginning, new life, and of course new me

YEAAAAY... im so curious with my new life. first of all, im a 18th years old and im a newbie in college. a lot of changes in my life: new subjects, new friends, new face (i've already changed my glasses into softlens :p) and other change-things. its almost 3 months in college but i've got some close friends. although we haven't known each other completely yet, but they have made my day! some other friends said, they can't adaptation in their new college but sorry thats not mine hehehe..
mmmhhh... can i tell you a sad story of mine? i broke up with my (ex)boyfriend 3 weeks ago. we've made our relation until 4years 6months and than we gave up. you know, its a big big and huge change of the story of my life. my bestfriends always supporting me over and over again for this case, thanks to my didi, shandy, kania who always cheering up my day from their opinions and quotes (i cant live without them and the other Mereketel)

when a sadness going through our life, it is a time when God tell us a true meaning of a friendship. how a friendship as special as diamond, how a friendship as warm as a cup of tea, how a friendship as sweet as a new couple, and the point is how friendship is important for our life (extremely thanks to Allah)

and it makes me remember my favorite quote

OK! now i have to live the life and face it.
and remember, for always have a morning spirit!

GOOD MORNING, EVERYONE! and happy weekend :)